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Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW)

RAW leads you along the path to empowerment, and from this point of personal power, issues dissolve, the healing mechanism kicks in and a new vibrational pattern is established. This then opens up the energies for change and creates a platform to build your new life. 


Through muscle testing Effie is able to identify and correct old energy patterns that are holding you back. RAW is non-invasive, relaxing and uses your Beings own healing energy. Some of the areas of your life that could be balanced are:


  • Pain

  • Money

  • Emotions

  • Career

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Trauma Patterns

Channelled Healings

These healings are gentle, non-invasive and restore harmony and balance to the mind, body and soul. Guided by spirit, the healing is tailored to the individual needs of each client to ensure that they are attuned to their very own perfect vibration… bringing forth a happier and healthier self. During the session, Effie also receives messages through spirit and when guided, use cards as a tool for divination.

Evil Eye Removal

Negative energy is a force that can affect us more than we realise. The Evil Eye is the belief that a person can bestow bad luck onto another through the very gaze of their eyes, the words that they speak or the thoughts that they have. Such energy can leave the receiver feeling tired, sick or simply out of sorts. This energy is cleared through an ancient Greek ritual that lifts the Evil Eye, restoring positivity and equilibrium to the person affected.


Evil Eye Removal and Divination Space


Effie performing Evil Eye Removal and Divination


Divination is the art of receiving valuable information and messages from the unknown via Spirit.

Effie receives and passes on such messages in order to help clients through a variety of channels such as:

  • Oracle/Tarot cards

  • Healings

  • Evil Eye Removal

  • Holding hands

  • Photograph Reading


“Our connection is made, your journey begins and the magic of divination unfolds...

And so it is”

Herbal Talismans

The herbal talismans are custom made to individual requests. Whether it be for personal, home, car or business to promote protection, strength, prosperity, safety, harmony or balance… these little satchels are specifically tuned, blessed and created to help you along your journey… wherever that may lead you!


Personal/Car: $50

House/Business: Please enquire as prices vary


60 mins: $120

90 mins : $170

Distant Healing/Evil Eye Removal (30 mins: $70)



Monday to Friday by appointment only



Sutherland Shire Area


Gift Certificates also available:

Please contact Effie here

*Allow 5 business days delivery from date of payment

Business & Home Talisman by Effie

Business and Home Talisman

Personal & Car Talisman by Effie

Personal and Car Talisman

In Light of Healing Gift Certificate

In Light of Healing Gift Certificate


Evil Eye, Divination Space and Shop

"Always believe in who you are and what you can achieve.

There are no limitations..."

~ Effie 


Home Grown Lavender for Drying to be made into Talismans


Healing Room


Calming Space

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